Even this infectious disease expert agrees that the so-called epidemic swine flu media hype has gotten way out of control. He’s saying that it’s “lost it’s virulence” and now “If you had to choose.. you should choose the “swine flu” over the seasonal flu” because it’s more mild. No talk of epidemic death imminent, or…
Category: Vaccine Truths
Developmental Delays with Just 1 Thimerosal Containing Vaccine… (like the Flu and H1N1 vaccines)
Baby monkeys, used because of their genetic similarity to humans, were vaccinated at birth with 1 dose of Hepatitis B vaccine containing 1/6th the amount of ethyl mercury (thimerosal) that is in human vaccines like the flu and H1N1 vaccines… with astonishing results…… brain stem controlled neurological developmental reflex delays…. ONLY 1 DOSE OF 1…